Tuesday, March 01, 2011

NaBloPoMo and Percopotomus

In my Yahoo! Group writing group, Coffee House Percolators which is an offshoot of www.coffeehouseforwriters.com, we are doing a ten day writing marathon which we have named "Percopotomus." It began on February 22.  I am also participating in National Blog Posting Month. Again. I am hoping that the momentum I built up participating in Percopotomus will help me to finally write something all thirty-one days in March.

One of the writing prompts for today was: The humble bumble bee. So I wrote a somewhat lame poem:

Yeah, I know some of the rhyming is a bit of stretch...

Trumble the humble bumble bee
Buzzed from flower to flower by the sea

Whether it was cloudy or it was sunny
So he could make some first rate honey

Then one day
To his dismay

He found a flower with no pollen
Leaving Trumble quite crest-fallen

He did not know it was made of plastic
Which Susie MacDougal thought was fantastic

Because they helped her allergies
by not sneezing from flowers nor getting stung by bees.

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