Saturday, December 14, 2013

Yarn Bowl (Part 1)

Last night, I took my daughters with me to an event at Painted Earth that was organized by my Stitch n Bitch group. We painted yarn bowls. A yarn bowl is a bowl that has a slit or hole in the side. You put your working ball of yarn in the bowl, thread your yarn through the hole if it's a new project, or through the slit if it's a work in progress, and it helps keep the ball of yarn from bouncing all over the place or from rolling away as you pull more yarn from it. Click here for some examples of lovely yarn bowls.

Being the Doctor Who fan that I am, I attempted to paint the Exploding Tardis that was painted by a fictionalized Vincent Van Gogh in the episode, The Pandorica Opens.  Part of the problem, aside from a severe lack of formal art training, is that when painting on ceramics, the paints appear to not only be much lighter before they are to be fired in the kiln, but often a slightly different shade. So, here is the before shot of my yarn bowl:

The front of the bowl. Notice the slit with the hole at the end. The hole is supposed to be at the center of the explosion.

Aaaaaand, here's the back.

My daughters painted mugs. We are supposed to come back in a week to pick up our finished products. I'll post more pics then.

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